everyone counts

Thursday, October 06, 2005

Just a Quick One

This morning I heard an interesting teaching on the radio as I argued with myself about just how much time I really needed to get ready for work...30 minutes, 20 minutes, maybe I could break my own record and get ready in ten????? anyway...It was Alister Bay - I like his accent- he's doing a series on pastoral responsibility and his text was in Titus (with a flip back to 1 Timothy). I've used those verses to lament about the endless debates over doctrine, and sometimes angry - insulting comments that I've experienced, either firsthand or as a bystander/observer here in blog land. What I found interesting, and very encouraging, is that as a Reformed theologian, Alister listed election and personal predestination as the first thing we should stop arguing about. And then he quoted good old and highly respected Spurgeon as saying the same thing. One of them refered to election and personal predestination as a mystery and said that the wisest of men could spend days debating the issue, with none being the wiser at the end. Spurgeon was quoted as saying that we should be about the business of doing good works, and then we wouldn't have time to argue about the nonessentials. What a concept!
It's been a long, hard week. Work has been exhausting. But it hasn't been a bad week. I've gotten a lot of prayer time in. And I think my kids have actually learned something. The weather is crisp, sunny, autumny, and I love autumn. Worship on Sunday morning was awesome, and the LORD really broke through my stuburn self and gave me a good talking to. Thanks, I needed that! Still, things in Shiprock are pretty intense - the enemy is coming against the Church full force, and people are tired. Not just at our church, the body of Christ in general.
Our personal life isn't much better, but I feel better - more confident - like I am really able to Trust and Obey. Time to finish my day - head home - maybe even eat out. Blessings on you dear blog friends (and strangers). Blog on!

1 comment:

Arthur Brokop II said...

funny - I was wondering when I wrote this one and it is the only one on my screen that doesn't have a date...
last Monday I was encouraged, by Friday I was exhausted and full of anger and depression...
it is another monday, and i am encouraged again...but cautiously so.
I am longing for a viable ministry...for the chance to do, to do more...I am trying to pray, to focus on my students, the enemy keeps throwing failure into my face, and I continue to be heart sick for my children and grandchildren. I need to visit some of my inspirational blog friends...Think I will focus on good ol' Isaiah 61 and Psalm 84 today...