everyone counts

Monday, September 26, 2005

When I look at the Cross...

so, life continues to weigh heavy on me - my husband and I have been crying out to the LORD for mercy and wisdom - and in the natural things just seem to get worse and worse...
then we watch this stupid movie, a new "cult" film, "What the Bleep do we know?" and I wonder how Christians can even give it a second thought...yet I hear its the subject of many conversations - dialogues concerning spirituality and enlightenment. And I think back on some of the debates I've gotten into lately, concerning open theism, personal predestination, worship style, and Christians who believe in a metophorical Christ...my brain is spinning, my ears are ringing, and I am oh, so tired...
But Sunday, in worship, we meditated upon the cross and I realized something. The cross can not be denyied. The cross can not be ignored. It is the pivotal point of all time and space. It is what seperates Christianity from every other religion, every other world view. One can not reach full enlightenment without considering and realizing the Cross and the wonderful, terrible work that was done there. For God so Love the world...and this is love...that Jesus layed down His Life...His blood was spilled for "whosoever". It is unique, it is remarkable, it is true.
We who call ourselves Christian are responsible for the blood and truth of the Cross. We can not take that responsibility lightly. Sacrifice, Humility, and Love! There is a song, it is part of the annual passion play we put on here in the Four Corners, "can He still feel the nails everytime I fail?" Power in the Blood...Nothing But the Blood...It's under the Blood...
Forget the word Christian...forget the doctrines of man...forget the teachings of Augustine and Luther and Calvin and Wesley...forget churches and the hypocrites that frequent them. If it was about church and christians, I'd give it all up. But I can not forget or deny the Cross, or the beautiful Savior who looked through time and saw me, in all my short comings, and loved me enough to die for me. For my sons, my grandson, my students, for whosoever would hear His call, hear His knock on the door...for whosoever would believe. For the Romans who would pound the nails into His hands and feet, for those who knew and those who didn't know. When I look at the Cross, nothing else matters...there is love and mercy and truth.
One Maundy (Holy) Thursday, my four year old son Jeremiah was sitting in my lap as our formal United Methodist Church celebrated the last supper and passion of Jesus. The candles were being extinguished and the organ music was soft and mournfull. Jeremiah's eyes were bright in the darkness - he seemed scared/troubled. I whispered in his ear that we were remembering how Jesus suffered and died for our sins, and there was saddness in the remembering. He whispered back into my ear the words of a contemporary Christian song from a tape we played often in our car..."yeah mommy, but don't forget Ressurection Power!"
I guess that is all I have to say just now...time to move on with my day...simply trusting the Savior who died for me. Blessings


Kim said...

Amen :).

Anonymous said...

I agree with your sentiments on the movie & the more I have learned the more I wonder how anyone can take it seriously.

sigh...I guess some people feel the same way about our faith...the world will consider it foolishness after all.

Very nice post.

Grey Owl said...

Maryellen - here's something I often think of:

In the Gospel of John, Jesus is giving some tough teaching to his disciples. Many can't accept it, and so they walk away. He turns to his 12 and asks, "Will you leave as well?" And the 12 replied, "Where else can we go? No one else has the words of eternal life." When I'm doubting or run down or just depressed, I often feel like Christ asks me, "Will you leave as well?" And I feel mildly fatalistic as I say, "Where would I go?"

I hope that's mildly encouraging for you right now. Just so we know what we're praying for, what is it you and your husband are going through? (If you feel comfortable sharing, that is).

Arthur Brokop II said...

there is a scene in It's a Wonderful Life, no - never mind that one -
there is a scene, "that" scene, in The Passion of Christ, where Mary flashes back running to her little Jesus when He falls down and says to Him "I'm here..." and then she is on the Via Del a Rosa -
so I'll cling to that old rugged cross.

Rob said...

I'm with Grey Owl on this one.

It's out of John 6 -- and there have been times when I've wondered how to keep going as a Christian, and this passage comes to mind. No matter how tough things get this side of heaven, truly, where else would I go? Only Jesus has the words of life.

wellis68 said...

Amazing post Maryellen!

IMO said...

AMEN! I have come to the same conclusion and even though I feel that "I need to come to some conclusion on these things", in my own mind, the Lord has told me, in the scope of a debate, it is not important. Just ONE thing: Christ Crucified and as Christians, this unites us! I have been doing BIG research on the History of Hell and it puts "some" things in perspective.

IMO said...

Oh, PS, yes there seems to be many of "those" movies out there and I think that we just need to be aware that people are seeking spiritual things. On the whole, that is a good thing.

Anonymous said...

AMEN!!!! You are an awesome writer and this is a tremendous post!!!

Anonymous said...