everyone counts

Wednesday, September 21, 2005

I didn't pray today...

yet -
I'm at school, third period and prep time. My first two classes (English and Reading with the same students) did not go very well. The kids were loud and disrespectful and I was impatient. About an hour into the moring, I realized, I hadn't prayed yet. I slept in late...my husband drove me to work...we are putting out yet another fire (foxes in the vineyard), and I didn't have a chance to bind this day in the Name of the Lord. It makes such a big difference. Monday and Tuesday I actually got time to annoint the desks and door with oil. In four minutes I will hit POST and get out my Bible...I will put on my praise music and spend time with the Lord.
I haven't spent much time on the computer lately. We were off line at home for a few days, and I am very busy at work. I haven't been able to visit my friends here in blog land. And I miss it. I miss the dialoge. I miss the connection. Sometimes I feel very lonely. But no more self indulgement. Time to get focused. Time to get a lone with the one person who matters most, the only one person who actually matters at all...I'm coming LORD...


Chris P. said...

Hope the fire is out.

tacobell said...

Come see my beautiful lilies!

Kim said...

My kids and I have morning prayers every day in the car on the way to school -- it is the most important and beloved part of my day. Sadly, if we don't drive anywhere on a given day, we don't have morning prayers -- and boy do we all feel it. Luckily, I can't remember the last time we had no where to go in the morning...a mixed blessing...

Wanderer said...

A simple suggestion to borrow from me if it isn't tainted. I will amend it so as not to offend:

Wake up each morning and say, "Good morning, Lord. I love you."

This is not to say you should forgo any other prayers, but if you miss on a day, you still feel better having heard or just felt his reply: "I love you too."

Cecelia said...

Maryellen, you have lovely friends who visit your blog. How encouraging they are to you!

Grey Owl said...

I hope this week is more relaxed for you. Cheers,

Arthur Brokop II said...

welcome back flip, i missed you...yes cecilia, i do have lovely friends here in blog land...in the "real" world my husband and i have been feeling quite alone and rejected lately, somehow blogging helps me feel concected...
it's only monday. sunday morning was good, at least the worship part - thanks chris, but the sermon was a little too obvious and made me hungry, and we didn't get a chance to serve during the evening service the way we had planned so we were a little disheartened...no big deal, only in my current frame of mind, everything seems to be a big deal.
nevermind all that...time to go home!

Chris P. said...

and we didn't get a chance to serve during the evening service the way we had planned so we were a little disheartened


Arthur Brokop II said...

never mind...no big deal
hey you guys, please pray for my homeless son Jeremiah...