everyone counts

Thursday, July 21, 2005

The way it was...

Psalm 143
The drive from Shiprock to Albuquerque is a little more than three hours depending on how fast you dare to go. The speed limit is 70mph. I was due in court at 1:00pm and we left at 9:00am. I was wearing my most non hippy style outfit and my nerves were frayed.
But the scenery is awesome and the music was good. And when we walked into the court house I was pretty calm and just a minute or two late. The lawyer subtly told us that it wouldn’t be good for Art to go into the court room, because of his wild and wooly appearance. I was going to have to wait about 45 minutes to testify, and he wanted us to stay over night because he wanted me in the courtroom when Ardy testified the next day.
As I sat in the waiting room, I took out my Bible. The book mark was at Psalm 143.
A few weeks back our Pastor used a verse from that psalm to emphasis the importance of seeking God’s will for our lives.

“teach me the way in which I should walk; For to thee I lift up my soul."
As soon as I started reading, I knew this was the section of Scripture that was meant for me at that place and time. The Living Words that would carry me though these stressful times.
Hear my prayer O Lord!
Of course He could hear my prayer, and with those words came the confidence that not only could He hear, but that He was listening intently.
Do not enter into judgment with Thy servant, for in thy sight no man living is righteous.
I am glad that when the Word tells us to visit the prisoner, it does not specify that only the innocent, wrongly accused deserve Christian consideration. There is a verse somewhere that says “Let mercy triumph over justice” The people who used to “March for Jesus” sang a song with those words. That was on the same album as “Shine Jesus Shine”
Who of my readers remembers that?

Anyway, this whole concept of mercy and judgment and redemption has weighed heavily on my mother’s heart over the past three years.
My son is guilty. My son sinned. And he was a Christian when he did it. This whole court thing is not to prove or disprove his guilt. It is to decide how much damage was done to the victim and how much money the family should be awarded for those damages.
For the enemy has persecuted my soul. He has crushed my life to the ground. He has made me dwell in dark places.
These lines apply to my son, and to me as well. To our whole family. Guilt, condemnation, rejection, hopelessness have been the fiery darts flung at us by the accuser.
I remember the days of old…
These words remind my of going back to my first love (Rev. 2:4,5). They remind me of the angel experience I wrote about a few weeks back. This whole ordeal was just beginning and the Lord told me to hang on to that experience when I started to doubt that God was really there.
And I knew that God was really there, as I walked into the court room, the mother of a convicted felon. The questioning wasn’t so bad. The lawyer who was really nasty to me during my deposition was “nicer” in the court room. Ardy’s lawyer had told me it wouldn’t be as bad, because there was a judge in the room.
The next morning Art and I read Psalm 143 again, together. And he went off to a cool corner in the court house to read and pray (what a way to celebrate your 50th birthday) and I went into the court room to watch and listen and pray and wait. To be there for my boy. 10 hours later we were on our way home. We had a nice dinner at Art’s favorite buffet, which happens to be in a casino. But I didn’t even spend a nickel. By the time we got home, the truck was whining like an old horse, and our stress levels were off the scale. We almost got into a fight, for no good reason.
My spirit was overwhelmed within me.
We came home to over due bills, and a negative balance in our checking account.
Jeremiah’s new wife’s family has decided that this quick marriage is not a good thing and have told her she is not welcome in the house. They also kicked out her brother who introduced them. So he’s staying with us for a week…more stress
New Mexico is having a heat wave, 106 in Shiprock today.
I am longing for a big, cleansing, thundering storm. Open the floodgates of heaven, let it rain. I wouldn’t be saying that if I lived on the Gulf coast. Bless those caught in the hurricane Lord, and as far as I am concerned…
Thou art my God, Let thy Holy Spirit lead me on level ground. For the sake of Thy name, O Yahweh, revive me. In Thy righteousness bring my soul out of trouble.
Amen, even so, Yes Lord Jesus.


Wanderer said...

Such a heavy burden is on your shoulders, and I am impressed, for it is well known that the burden shall not exceed your abilities, even if it feels like it would. I wonder for this reason if my burden would ever be that large. I doubt it, my shoulders are so small. We come from different paths, but I would draw attention to one of my latest posts on my site just the same. As a parent we are pleased that our children triumph under adversity. I suspect that even as you sweat, God is pleased almost every hour with your triumphs in spirit. The walk is hard, the strain is great, but if we were comfortable for too long, we wouldn't know we were alive.

Despite the above, tonight I pray for a little extra comfort for you and your family, for even your heavenly father realizes that you need a rest every once in a while.

Arthur Brokop II said...

and you call yourself a pagan?

Kim said...

Wanderer, once again your words are just beautiful. What a great gift you have, and what a lovely heart!

MaryEllen, I cannot stop thinking of you and your family. You are constantly on my heart. I will be away for awhile but will continue praying for you. God Bless you.

Anonymous said...

You are a strong woman and your strength is comforting. I know that what I am going through isn't nearly the same situation, but I'm under a lot of stress and seeing how you're handling your stress has helped me greatly. Thank you for being such an amazing example.

I'm praying for you and your family, as well as for peace and rest.

Wanderer said...

I do call myself just that. Perhaps at some point we will have an opportunity to compare notes in full. This would not be the first time that a Christian friend was surprised to hear how closely my beliefs reflected what they might hear in their own church.