everyone counts

Saturday, July 23, 2005

Who was J.C. Ryle anyway?

This morning I read an ancient sermon suggested on the Slice site.
I was thinking, maybe it would be a good Bible teaching.
After reading it I wrote the following comment. It got a little long. But I think it said a lot, so I left is on the Slice site and decided to post it here too.
I got a few good quotes from this sermon.
"peace procured at the expense of truth is not worth having"
"some are discouraged by the length of our journey"
but he uses only one piece of one verse...hold fast to what is good. I Thes. 5:21b
actually I think a lot of us need to really pay attention to the first part of the verse, especially when we are about the business of exposing or defending various ministries and teachers
"But examine everthing carefully, hold fast to that which is good"
A lot of blog comments are based on emotional reactions to heresay.
Secular news reports are taken at face value when they seem to prove our particular stand on something, but everyone knows the press is bias. I read this sermon actually hoping to find some words of wisdom and good Bible teaching. I believe that sermons should be sound Bible teachings. I think it is a pastor's responsibility to preach the word of God in such a way that it gives the congregation something to chew on, something to meditate on, something to walk with through out the week. This sermon was merely anti-catholic rhetoric. Early in my walk with the LORD, before my husband and I had found a church home, we visited a friends church.
I think it was non-denomiational. It was a long time ago. But I can remember something the young pastor said from the pulpit. I don't remember the exact names he used, but he said something like this..."You can drive though any town and see dozens of churches. And you can tell by their names, "St. Thomas, Our Lady of Mercy, Grace United Methodist, Peter and Paul Episcaple, etc. that their leaders are liberal unsaved heretics." I was shocked. Not that there might be ministers who were liberal unsaved heretics, but that any man of God would so generally judge and publically condemn. In the 25+ years that I have been walking with the LORD, I have met Catholics, Methodists, Episcapalians, Charasmatic, Menonites, Salvation Army Officers, Baptists, oh, there are too many to name. But I have met, fellowshiped, prayed and worshiped with them and know, regardless of the name on their church, it's form of government, or style of worship, these individuals were/are saved. The body of Christ is made up of many parts. God is a God of variety. Blessed be the name of the LORD!


Anonymous said...

Amazing insight. I love your thoughts on this post. I completely agree with you. I hate generalizations/labels and don't feel that it is anyone's job, especially not a pastor who had a huge influence on the congregation, to create those stereotypes in their head. I'd even go so far as to say, even if the pastor believes what he is saying, his job is to protect the flock, and not put his own opinions in their head. If he wants to have some side conversations, fine, but by taking the position as pastor, I believe, you are called to the highest calling of tact from the pulpit.

Arthur Brokop II said...

Well this posting got me called evil on Slice...just what I needed to hear today...perhaps I am evil, lost, without hope...that's how I feel right now anyway.
Don't pay any attention to these ramblings...i don't really know anything

Wanderer said...

What in the world would lead you to make such accusations against yourself. We all still have much to learn, but if you have any question about whether or not you know anything, look back on what you've written out here. You know quite a bit, and you honor all of those who have the opportunity to learn from you. Don't let others batter you down.

Rob said...


Then I guess I'm evil, too, because I thought your comment at Slice was a breath of fresh air! :)

And I'm with you. My wife Wendy's comment was, "Who is J.C. Ryle, and why should we care what he says?"

Kim said...

I am so sorry you were called evil on Slice. I appreciate that you had the courage and eloquence to speak your mind. I read your post and found your points to be well made and truthful. Your truthful words blessed people that like you are feeling beaten up and confused by what they read over there. You were the voice for those that read but won't post their protests. I pray that your words will be like good seeds that are scattered in the wind and carried to where the good soil is. And I pray that they will grow like beautiful lupines on the hillsides. And for you, Maryellen, I pray that God our Father in heaven will comfort you, will cover you, will carry you through this dark time. I pray that you would be armed and secured in the Love of Jesus. And that you will carry the peace that passes all understanding. I pray that God would go before you every step of this journey, and he would prepare the way ahead of you.

Again, I'll be away for awhile. You are on my heart, and I will continue to pray for you and your family. Thank you for sharing your struggle and your faith. God bless you.