everyone counts

Tuesday, March 20, 2012

Tuesday afternoon and Art is on his way to Albuquerque. We are praying for wisdom. How far should he take this new job?  What if it interferes with his teaching? Are these paths that converge or diverge?
Which way is more profitable, both financially and spiritually? Especially spiritually.

This day, out of obedience in what I felt the LORD was impressing on my heart...I am blogging my ACTS - a prayer method of which I was reminded at last Saturday's Bible Study.

I used 3 psalms (150, 32, 136) and Matthew 6:7-14, 7:7-11 as my guide-lines.

A - Adore...and I begin to ask myself what is the difference between praise "Let everything that breathes praise the LORD", and Adoration. I got hung up right from the start. How to adore God? I started to sing an oldie but holy chorus "Father I adore You, lay my life before you, how I love you!"
And then a song from last Sunday's service at the UM church..."Beautiful One" by Tim Hughes
"Beautiful One I love, Beautiful One I adore, Beautiful One my soul must sing" I think I sang them more out of obedience than pure love. I think...I rather be adoring Him as Art and I drive through the hills on the way to Albuquerque.  I wanted to go with. We didn't have enough money for both of us to go...but still I sing...hoping for now that its good enough.

C - Confess...did I tell you that I tried to go to confession a few weeks back. The priest won't hear my confession until my marriage to Frank is annulled. Not an impossibility, but a complication. Then Art is supposed to get his first marriage annulled as well. He has no idea who married them or how to get a hold of Paula. If I pushed him, he'd be willing to try. "Bless me Father for I have sinned"  And what are my most recent sins, those which I am harboring. Bitterness. It is a spirit of bitterness that is mostly keeping me from going to the community Passover Service (that and the fact that it cost $25 a plate) I am holding a grudge against  CP, MH, PP, and even AB. I know these grudges are helping to keep me in a state of spiritual destitution. I also confess that there is that one thing which He wants me to give up all together, and I don't want to. And I feed my "doubts" with the thoughts of "What difference will it make?"  And  "I know He can but I don't believe He will."

T- Give thanks.  Last night I went to sleep counting my blessings. I used the ABC's: Thank you God for Art and Ardy and the Alcheffs and apricots.  Thank you God for Bobbie, Babies, the Bochno's, and hot baths...and reading Psalm 136, a real reason to give thanks...His steadfast Love endures forever, even when my faith faulters. Thank God for our daily bread. Thank God for my job, for this day in my comfy home with no pressing dead lines. Thank you for Father Tim's gentle voice in the back ground as I type this. Thank you for this lap top, this technology, this outlet.

S-supplication - a chance to ask - "ask and you shall receive"
I will go to the email, and pray for the prayer requests listed for the Saturday Bible Study also will pray for my mother, sister, and brother involved in a crisis. I pray for Art's safe travel. I will hold my personal supplications for later. He knows what I need and want anyway. I am thinking ... I always used to ask my prayer partners to pray that the LORD would bless us and our ministry with Peace, Provision, and Wisdom. We don't have a ministry. At the Bible study last Saturday a situation was mentioned where a mother was asked by her back-sliding son for prayer. It had become a common request, when this young man - whose personal faith was failing and who wasn't walking with the LORD - sensed a spiritual need he would ask his mother for prayer. It finally got to the point, where in the spirit of tough love and wisdom, the mother said "If you need prayer, pray yourself."
Yes and Amen.

1 comment:

Arthur Brokop II said...

my mother, sister, and brother have more or less worked through the crisis, and my mother is doing well. Art did have safe travel, and thoroughly enjoyed his movie adventure. the LORD and I are still working out my trust and obey issues...but its getting better. God is Good!