everyone counts

Sunday, May 01, 2011

A Royal Wedding

Matthew 24:38   As in the days of Noah - they were marrying and given in marriage.
But, Yes - I watched the Royal Wedding...not all of it, but enough. OK, so it was full of pomp and who really cares...actually millions upon millions cared. And was that so bad? In this day, when so much violence, catastrophe, turmoil is in the news, it was nice to see something beautiful and romantic. And, OK - the Church of England may not be a typical evangelical Christian's cup of tea...but the prayers were prayed in the Name of Jesus, and the union was blessed in the Name of the Father, Son, and Holy Spirit. And millions heard it. And the whole thing brought tears to my eyes...I always cry at weddings. And soon, very soon we might be present at the Wedding Feast of the Lamb. I already have my invitation to that one...do you?

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