everyone counts

Sunday, August 05, 2007

Sunday Morning

I am so happy to be living this life again. Getting ready for Church on Sundays is such a pleasure. Preparing the Sanctuary and Fellowship Hall, and even the restroom. Singing and praying as I go about the business. Kingdom business. I’ve been working on the court yard. It still needs a lot of work. I was thinking that if I had a few extra thousand dollars, I’d pay the local Mennonites to do the landscaping, but then there are more pressing needs. I can do the yard work, with the help of my sons, for now at least. This morning as I was unlocking the doors and opening the gates, an Indian rode by on a horse. For my northeastern friends I should add that he was not wearing feathers or carrying a bow and arrow. Actually he was dressed like a cowboy. We greeted each other and I smiled. Dear God in heaven, bless him. Bless all the people, from all the tribes tongues and nations that ride by this ministry complex day after day (most of them are in cars and pickups). Bring us the lost sheep, and the shepherds who will help us care for them. And a thousand thanks Abba Father, for entrusting us with this ministry. May your will be done!

1 comment:

Stephanie said...

it's so wonderful to hear about your happiness...i've been away for a bit tending to my new little daughter, but i've been praying for you and your husband's new ministry. God Bless!!!