everyone counts

Sunday, April 08, 2007

Easter Sunday

There is a new church plant in the area. An out cropping of the Episcopalian Church we had been attending for the past year. We did not start going there immediately after the priest resigned. After all, we weren’t actually Episcopalian, nor were we Anglicans. Yesterday we attended the “Easter Vigil” since they are currently sharing a building with another church and are holding their services on Saturday evenings.
The Easter Saturday service was full of multisensory, ancient - traditional acts of worship. Starting with the kindling of a fire and the lighting of the Paschal Candle - “for darkness has been vanquished, all you who stand near this marvelous holy flame - in the unity of the Holy Spirit…”
Then there was the recounting of the creation story - in the beginning God said, let there be light. And an interactive account of the Exodus story, with several enthusiastic children providing the sound effects. There was a renewal of the Baptism vows, liturgical and responsive reading. After which the shofar was blown and the congregation responded with the ringing of bells and gongs and shouts of praise - alleluia!
As the worship team sang traditional and not so traditional songs of praise, proclaiming the good news of the resurrected Christ, the congregation - mostly children, used fresh cut flowers to decorate a large rustic cross. This was followed by the rite of the Eucharist. Blessed are you O Lord, King of the Universe! Because this is a church within a church, and some members of the hosting church also attend the services of the new church, when they serve communion, they use both wine and grape juice. Taste and see that the LORD is good. Receiving communion is an important aspect of my personal act of worship, and I am happy to attend services where the LORD’s supper is the focal point. As in the early church. The Christians were known by their love and by the breaking of the bread.
The smell of the fire, and fresh cut flowers.
The sound of the shofar, bells, and songs of joy
The touch of the rugged cross and soft flowers, the cool of the night and the warmth of fellowship
The sight of the flame, the icons, the cup and bread - familiar symbols of faith
The taste of the bread and the fruit of the vine…
With my whole body, mind, spirit I worship the Lord - Jesus Christ - amen!


Unknown said...

I enjoyed reading your post today and catching up on what has been going on. I had not checked in a while. So, I was unaware of your surgery. You will be in my prayers as God brings you to my mind.

Anonymous said...

Well my dear, it is back to work with you now...God bless you and take it easy