everyone counts

Wednesday, March 14, 2007

March 14, 2007
It is 8:22 am, Daylight Savings Time, in Shiprock, NM. I’ve actually been looking forward today. State testing is done at school and I have the day off. We will take a nice, scenic drive to Durango, Colorado where I will have a biopsy on my kidney.
Strange things unfolding these days. Strange and confusing thoughts racing through this old brain of mine.
I have no idea who actually reads these ramblings and who cares. My sisters and best friend usually don’t. There is the Wanderer, and Stephanie the teacher. An Australian peer, a Japanese invalid, a pre-Vatican II Catholic, and a Biblical Fanatic have stopped by on occasion. I haven’t had much of a chance to go blogging myself. We have a nice new computer now, so maybe over spring break - if I’m not in the hospital having my kidney removed, I’ll get some time in hubby’s office to catch up with some old blogger friends and make some new ones.
I am still in the midst of the Roman Catholic conundrum. In my three part essay and my history as a Christian and why I am even considering returning to the Roman Catholic Faith, I noted that according to the CHURCH, since I once knew the whole truth and then turned my back on it, I am headed to hell.
I am adamant not to let fear of hell be the deciding factor in my decision. Not that I don’t believe in it, but God is Love and Jesus is Truth and perfect love and truth casts out fear…not exactly a quote, but you get the point.
I have realized that I never actually made a thought out choice to leave the Catholic church. I never really considered the ramifications of it. When I said yes to Jesus, in the summer of 1979, I was saying yes to the Person, not a church, and it took me quite a while to settle into a church. At this point in my life, if I don’t go back to the Catholic Church it will be a conscious decision not to, after considering the options and consequences.
So, yesterday - a new element was thrown into the mix. One of the radio preachers I wake up to was on a severe anti-catholic rant. And he actually said that people who were following the teachings of the Roman Catholic Church were following a lie and bound for hell. What’s that saying? Damned if I do and Damned if I don’t.
Which, in the light of the fact that I could possibly have a fatal disease, and I’m not sure I have the emotional strength to fight it if I do, is an interesting concept. I could have the answer to my question soon. And then it might be too late. Yet, still there is no fear.
Another thing I have realized is that the main reason we settled into the churches we settled into were relational not theological. We did leave churches because of theological issues, because we disagreed with certain doctrines or practices and rather than cause a fuss or shake anyone’s faith, we tried to walk quietly away. There were a couple of major conflicts, divorces of sort, when the leaving was very painful. And a few times when leaving was failure. How many times? How many churches? I can’t take the time to sort it all out just now. But the point is that there is no relationship now to guide us to a Church. No relationship except with the LORD. And perhaps it bothers me, just a little, to have no church family and no church to celebrate my passing, if I pass on.
I thought, what would my friends say if I went home to the Catholic Church. Then I thought, what friends? Sad isn’t it? I have one best friend, 2000 miles away, and my husband, some colleagues, a nice neighbor, some casual friends, but very few people that I feel really close to. Perhaps that is why I blog. For that sense of community. Oh well, it is time to get on with my day. It is a lovely spring day. The sparrows are chirping, a warm wind is blowing, the sun is shining. I’m all washed up and ready to go. Until next time, I am always and only M.E.


Stephanie said...

Please let us know how your trip to the doctor goes...I've been praying so hard for you friend! I am so sorry that this Church struggle is coming at such a crazy time in your life. Just remember, you have it right...it's your relationship with Christ that is the important thing....and the biblical Church is the body of believers, not a building where people meet. I know you know this, and it sounds like you're feeling as though you don't have a body of believers to surround you and I'm so sorry that people are letting you down. Just remember God is always there and you have friends all over praying for you and wishing you the best. :) And...hooray!!! for testing being over!!! I love that feeling! God Bless my friend!

Arthur Brokop II said...

thank you stephanie,
I get my kidney removed on march 26, the first day of spring break - joy of joys - still resting in the peace of the LORD! No stress...except needing to get together a week's lesson plans ready for after the break...

Stephanie said...

I'll be praying and just to let you know...I have a family friend that had the same procedure done and he's doing absolutely wonderfully now! I pray that you continue to feel God's peace. Take care of yourself...make sure you leave us an update from your surgery when you feel up to it!!! :)

Anonymous said...

At least one sister does read your blog - and while we are not close in miles nor have we been as close as we once were as kids, I still care deeply about you and pray for you. Don't give up on life because it has been so hard. You have so much to offer to your kids at school and your grandkids. Wishing I could be there for you in person but know I am at a distance. I love you! Fight, girl! And be well.

Wanderer said...

While understanding completely, I was slightly disheartened to find that the e-mail informing your friends of your upcoming procedure didn't include me. I imagine you knew I would hear from Carol even if not seeing the post here.

I imagine you didn't understand my position in response to the last e-mail, so I will clarify, or try to. (I will assert, that at this trying time I don't plan on engaging in any theological debate.) My statements were never meant to construe that I didn't care, deeply, about your well being. I fear you may have felt that this is what I was saying. I worry about you, and was preparing to call you when I received the call from my wife after she spoke with her mother. I had meant to check on you to make sure you were okay. I didn't call because I feared argument between us after our last exchange was more likely than constructive conversation, and did not wish to impose upon you in such a matter.

I will put aside our debates over who has insulted who, or what we believe we accomplish for the time being and simply share that I will now pray a great deal for you. Please do as I do for now and put the semantics of that statement aside and at least accept the intention. When you are better we will have plenty of time to argue the details.

I look forward to that argument once you are up to it. So don't delay in getting there. :)

Anonymous said...

I do to read your blogs!!!!

Stephanie said...

I'll be praying for you with your surgery tomorrow....good luck and hope you have a speedy recovery!!! God Bless my friend!!!

Rich Tatum said...

Hi Maryellen,

This is Rich Tatum, the BlogRodent. I'm currently updating my PneumaBlogs list (a list of select Pentecostal, Charismatic, A/G, CoG, and Foursquare bloggers) and I was hoping to get contact information from you. (You're on my list!)

See: tatumweb.com/blog/pneumablogs/

The list looks a little raw right now because I'm still recovering from moving to a new server.

Would you mind shooting me an email? Let me know if you don't want to be included, and I'll take you off. Otherwise, just holler at me, and I'll have current contact information for you in case I need to update my listing or verify information.



(PS: Sorry for the drive-by comment, but I couldn't find contact information for you. Please feel free to delete this comment.)

Arthur Brokop II said...

Wanderer - I am in no way angry at you or anything of the sort. Little Sister, good to hear from you, Bob too. When this drug induced post surgery fog clears, I'll be writing more...what a glorious spring day it is today. Our God is an awesome God!