everyone counts

Saturday, July 29, 2006

I think, therefore I blog...

just ran across that slogan on a tee shirt somewhere out here in blog land.
i've visited a few friends, and it's only 5:30am and I haven't even had coffee yet, but hey the sun is about to rise and I hear rain on the roof top...don't want to miss it. Never thought I would enjoy rain - but living on a desert changes ones outlook...


Arthur Brokop II said...

and i'd blog a lot more if i had more access to the computer...

Unknown said...


It has been a long time since I have had a chance to do much blogging. I am just now "getting around" to visiting some of my blog friends.

We just came back from a weeks vacation in Arizona. So, I understand your comment about the rain...

Chris P. said...

When the Church in this nation sees that it is under judgement. Is this not where judgement begins?

Where is the God of Elijah?

Wanderer said...

Perhaps the nation is concentrating too much on the fact that this is a natural cycle of the earth's heating and cooling. The natural response to the preceding ice age? Perhaps the nation is realizing that blaming God for the earth doing what it does is a lot less effective than working to do something about it in order to survive.

Even in the great flood, God doesn't mystically save Noah. Noah is required to put the work in to get it done.

I will acknowledge that we have done a lot that is destructive of this planet. A lot that can cause damage sufficient to destroy our race. This is not judgement. This is cause and effect, on a strictly non-spiritual level.

The planet is heating up. This is part of the pattern. It has happened before. It will cool down eventually. Very cool. The ice age will come again. This is how the cycle works. This is not judgement. This is the cycle of things.

Humans, if not careful, risk extinction as a result of this upheaval. This is not judgement. This is the cycle of things.

When will the nation learn it is under judgement? Perhaps after this supposed Church of the Nation does. (Who exactly would that be anyway?) I hope not. If our people are going to survive, throwing our hands up, declaring ourselves sinners and laying down to die will not be the answer.

Arthur Brokop II said...

I'm not so sure about that Wanderer, too late for me to recall the exact book, chapter, and verse...wait a minute, one of my in resident Bible experts just walked by...2 Chron. 7:14 I think...If my people, who are called by my name will humble them selves and turn from their sins...I will restore their land...
something like that.

Wanderer said...

King James Version: "If my people, which are called by my name, shall humble themselves, and pray, and seek my face, and turn from their wicked ways; then will I hear from heaven, and will forgive their sin, and will heal their land."

I see what you are saying, MaryEllen, but first I must say you quote a book which your give more credence to than I. I don't say this to indicate I am right, but merely point to the divide.

Second, the land is not damaged by this cycle. It is the normal cycle. There is nothing to heal there. Perhaps this cry will heal the damage from pollution, strip mining, etc... The cyclacle climate change can not be expected to be healed. It isn't broken.

Veterans know well (I am sure Art is probably aware of this) of the old U.S. Government axiom: "If it ain't broke, fix it til it is."

This isn't God's way, though. Expecting this cycle to be "healed" would be like being disappointed when God healed your cancer and your liver problems but didn't cure your red hair.