everyone counts

Monday, May 29, 2006

Three Prayers God Will Always Answer??????

Father Carl said this yesterday:
"God will never let us down.
It is OK to ask on behalf of others.
It is OK to ask for discernment.
It is OK to ask for protection."
I'm doing a study on Romans 1, which is of course is no good unless you read the whole book. At the same time I am looking at Acts 17. I'm using The Message and my new Archaeological Bible (NIV). Summer vacation has officially begun for this school teacher, although there are a few classes and tests I will have to take. Still, I am hoping to be more disciplined in my prayer and study time. Might even be able to fit in some quality blogging time.


BrainSyke said...

Very nice, kindly share your finding, enlightenments and knowledge as you feel here. I would definately enjoy it :-)

Trailady said...

May your study be most enlightening! :o) I am currently in the book of Hebrews.

Hegemon said...

What does disconcernment mean?

Also, why is it not OK to ask for anything besides those things?

Also, if it is not OK to ask for things on your own behalf, what keeps you from making deals with others to ask for things on that other's behalf under the assumption he will do the same for you?

Wanderer said...

Discernment, MC, nor disconcernment, I think your computer was blurring.

As for the pact you suggest, a God who knows your thoughts would probably see through this. The greater idea seems to be that if a large enough group is concerned for all others it works out. Although I am not sure why the addition of more people to better your odds isn't something God can equally see through.

Arthur Brokop II said...

and mc, I didn't say it was NOT ok to ask for anything besides those things.
but in some people's opinion prayer becomes a sort of magic ritual. say the right words the right way - we call it "name it and claim it" and poof you have it.
Discernment would be the same as wisdom especially in spiritual matters.
There are a lot of verses in which Jesus or His apostles say something to the effect of ask for anything in faith and you got it.
These verses are often quoted out of context, and some people start to either question God's honesty or their faith when they don't get what they ask for when they ask for it. I just thought what Father Carl had to say was pretty interesting.