everyone counts

Tuesday, March 07, 2006

Walking the the Rain

Well, almost. The sky was real grey, lots of clouds to the east, and I did feel a drop or two.
I'd forgotten how much I enjoyed walking and talking...walking and praying.
I used to walk to school a few years back. Early morning, before the sun rose, and I could talk and talk with no one around to think I was crazy. It doesn't much bother me if passer bys see me talking to myself here in Shiprock. Most natives think white people are crazy anyway.
I'm thinking about the future. I'm not happy thinking that perhaps the LORD is calling us away from this place. Inspite of the violence ( a kid brought a pellet gun to school today) and tragedy, I get such a sense of shalom, of the LORD's presence and purpose when I walk through the doors of my school. I believe that the LORD sent us to this place, and gave us a heart for it, but we may not be able to stay. There are possible ministry opportunities in Colorado and South Dakota, and Pastor Art's ministry comes first. It just doesn't seem that a ministry opportunity will open up here. We couldn't be leadership at our last church. They really didn't need another white guy in leadership, and in order to serve in a position of leadership there Pastor Art would have had to given up his license with Open Bible Standard. There were times when we wanted to speak up, teach, or at least give instruction, but it just didn't feel like it was our place. They really had enough good leaders. We aren't going to become Episcopalian, although that's where we've been worshiping lately. We don't really want to start another church, this area doesn't need another church, it just needs the churches it has too revive and push ahead, to shine.
That's part of what I've been praying about on my walks.
And the phrases - "that's such a sin" "that's such a shame"
Brand new homes that were left unfinished and have now been trashed and tagged by angry and restless teens.
Trash on the side of the road, trash left by careless natives who doen't really value Mother Earth the way the movies used to show, at least not anymore.
Depressed and Dejected men - the invisible people, many of whom once tried the "Jesus way" at
a Tent Meeting or Revival or VBS, but it didn't take. It didn't work for them. They cried at the alter, but it wasn't enough to bring light into the dark and depraved lives they are trapped in.
The Bridge over the San Juan (St. John), where the gangs hang out, the trolls under the bridge.
Flow river flow...bringing water to a dry and dreary land. Flow river flow, polluted by trashed people, trashed lives.
It's a Sin, It's a shame!
But this is a land of promise. A people of promise. I believe that.
And what of the "great commission" ?
this is how The Message puts it
"Jesus, undeterred, went right ahead and gave his charge: "God authorized and commanded me to commission you: God out and train everyone you meet, far and near, in this way of life, marking them by baptism in the threefold name: Father, Son, and Holy Spirit. Then instruct them in the practice of all I have commanded you. I'll be with you as you do this, daya after day after day, right up to the end of the age."
this isn't "notches on the belt" evangelism. . . it is discipleship . . . it is the body of Christ learning to care for the widows and orphans. . . I think it is what the emergents are referring to as missional. And so my walk continues!

1 comment:

Wanderer said...

If his ministry leads elsewhere, as God indicates, then thus it will be. Your ministry seems to be growing out here, accessible regardless of his location. When God calls, you as faithful people will follow.

"Whom shall I send?"
"Here I am Lord..."

Odd that this song was in my head today. I haven't heard it in quite some time, and then I find this post. God is speaking to the both of you. Just listen and be comfortable in his hands. He obviously is far from done with you.