everyone counts

Tuesday, March 07, 2006

Please Pray

It is Tuesday, 3:23 MST
tonight a medicine man will be performing a "Blessing Ceremony" at our school because of the tragedies...
This is not a good thing.


Godwyn Lim said...

Dear Sister,

I had linked up my blog to yours, Sorry do you mine me doing so?

Can you please forward your email addie so that I can add you in my mailing list when I update my 'blog'

My addie is godwyn.lim@gmail.com

God Bless!

Wanderer said...

I imagine it is more symptomatic than problematic. Ultimately, misguided or not, the people need to feel comfortable, don't they?

Arthur Brokop II said...

no offense to you wanderer, my "dark" brother, people who love the dark are most comfortable in the dark, people lost in the dark must find the Light...
I look at medicine men three ways, and pray for them thusly
1. They are truly seeking spritiual truth and enlightenment, sincere in their attemps to "minister" to their people...there for I would pray that they come to know the real TRUTH.
2. They are simply "con men" getting rich off the spriitual needs and supersticions of the people, most medicine men charge quite a lot for their services. Then I pray they are exposed and that people won't be sucked into their deception (they do things with bones and arrow heads - pulling them out of people mystically, and proclaiming that those were signs that a curse had been put on them...things like that).
3. They are in contact with the dark side of the spirit world, then I pray spiritual protection on the innocent, and strength, discernment, and protection for the Christians. I really don't want to walk into a hot bed of evil spirits tomorrow morning.
Not knowing which kind of Medicine Man will be there tonight, I prayed all three types of prayers and let Him sort it out.

Arthur Brokop II said...

only 6 people from the community showed up for the ceremony.