everyone counts

Friday, March 24, 2006

Something to Think About

although not so seriously,
the following statement was made on the sci-fi show "Stargate"
"the only choice anyone really ever has is to be good (do good) or evil."
Christians believe no one can be good without the presense of Jesus/Holy Spirit in their lives, and even then, they can not be good enough. Yet people are capable of doing good. People instinctively know the difference between good and evil. I'm not saying they don't have a sin nature. I'm not saying they are ever "good enough" to get into heaven with out the saving grace that comes from faith in Jesus. Everyone sins, unsaved and saved alike. Everyone falls short. But there are people in the world who choose to do good, who choose to be kind, upstanding, responsible citizens.
Mormons for example. Some of the nicest people I know, helpful and friendly, are Mormon. And there have been great humanitarians, Like Mother Teresa, who many Christians would say wasn't really saved because she was a Roman Catholic, yet she did much good in her life.
And there are many born again Christians who really aren't that "good". Many who commit sins of ommission, knowing the "good" they should do and not doing it.
If we are living in a depraved world, a world where greed and lust has polluted and defiled, a world where there is prevailing darkness, and where people have a sin nature and a free will, then those who choose to be good have a lot going against them. And it's a day by day, circumstance just some random thoughts, it's time for lunch...I'll be back.

1 comment:

tacobell said...

Hi MaryEllen: As a Roman Catholic, I have to clear up something about Mother Teresa. As a Roman Catholic nun, it was her DUTY to instruct each and everyone that she encountered that they needed to accept Christ as the ONLY way to heaven. She did not and therefore, it is questionable if she is actually saved. Now, charity does cover a multitude of sins and so this would of course be up to God, but for my money I'd would not like to be in her shoes now. Mine are bad enough.......