everyone counts

Monday, January 30, 2006

A few Monday Morning words to ponder

Wisdom and Understanding...
Truth and Light
Remember Job's friends who insisted on comforting him by explaining God as they understood Him. Some of the stuff they were saying seemed pretty good, right on. Do I hear an Amen?
So I hear people saying "Don't you know that God..."
And I think, "Really? Have I been so wrong all these years? Have I gotten confused? Have I been misled?"
And I turn back to the Word, to the source.
Faith comes by hearing and hearing by the word of God...
I hate that verse. As an English teacher I want to mark it in red and tell Paul to rewrite it.
Make it clearer sir. It's vague. Your readers won't understand what you're saying.
But then, Paul wasn't writing in English.
Wisdom and Understanding - seek it, work at it, dig for it like buried treasure (that's in Job).
I hope to think that I didn't assume the "Oh yeah, I know more than you, I understand more than you, I'm smarted than you" posture.
I like to think that it was more like "oh, oh...am I really wrong? I better look into this."
I was afraid that I was wrong. But I wasn't hiding my head in the sand, although it may have looked that way on the outside. I was digging. I was working things out.
And all the time I was crying out to God...If any of you lacks wisdom...
And I found some really interesting stuff. And my faith grew stronger. And I think it's better to realize that you must be seeking wisdom and understanding your whole life here on this planet.
That you can never sit back and say, I understand it clearly...those who don't understand it my way are wrong. Learning never stops...the Light just keeps getting brighter and brighter...
And Jesus is the Answer.


Stephanie said...

Hope you're having a good week. :)

wellis68 said...

neat stuff. Great post.

Arthur Brokop II said...

circumstances keep getting worse and worse and worse...
School is my only refuge these days, and school is hard! Especially in the light of what I just posed...
But I need to look beyond my circumstances. I have to Trust or else I will perish

Stephanie said...

I'm sorry to heare that things keep getting worse and worse, break is just around the corner. Also, February is full of four day weeks. :) Yeah for famous presidents!!! Keep a smile on your face and your trust where it sounds like it is, in the Lord. :) Take care my friend....:)

Stephanie said...

Some how my Spring got deleted... I was saying Spring break is just around the corner. :)