everyone counts

Tuesday, August 02, 2005

In the Pink

The sun is barely rising.
The rooster next door is crowing.
The LandLord called last night.
Woke up with a sick feeling in the pit of my stomach
and the song
"Glory to God in the Highest" in my head.
Can't even seem to find my blog site this morning.
All I'm seeing is pink,
all I'm feeling is black.
Oh poor me,
I'm sick of my whining.


Arthur Brokop II said...

ofcourse, theresa, you are most welcome.

Arthur Brokop II said...

LaBona, Religions are styles, patterns, systems...
Christianity is a worldview.
I'll come over to your site to elaborate.

wellis68 said...

Whining is theraputic at times, Go ahead and whine, I'll listen.

Jerine said...

hi Maryellen,
i saw your debate in La Bona site and i think it is such a hot topic there about religion relativism. i really think that you have a good point of view and honestly, religion relativism is never an answer to salvation. La Bona has a good argument but there is no fact or reason for his argument. just wanna tell you that you have a good point there. keep it up!