everyone counts

Friday, July 15, 2005


Some guy just recently left a message on one of my old postings.
The name was Venancio, and his message was basically, hey guys, there is no god...so get over it.
He's from Belgum, how in the world did he find me????
oh the wonders of blogging!
Chris says that many of my readers are Liberal, and EC sympathizers. At least one of them is a self proclaimed pagan. Love ya, Wanderer! (Love you too Chris)
But even though Venancio commented on a post that is over a month old (More on Psalm 143)
I have to address the idea that there is no God.
Anyone who has read any thing that I have written knows that I am a Christian who believes that the Bible is the Living Word of God.
There is no God? What a terrible world this would be if that were true, it would be a non world, a void world...
and as far as myself...
I have no idea who I would be without God.
Actually, in my deepest darkest moments, I have thought maybe this really is all there is...
just wishful thinking and coincidences and the occassional "nice" person.
And to be honest, If I had ever really been able to convince myself that there really is no God,
I would not be...I would have chosen not to be...
I love Jesus. I love the life He has given me. I love being a Christian, even when some people like my friend the heretic, says nasty things about so called Christians. I love to worship the LORD with my friends and family. I love singing "Jesus Loves Me" as I rock my babies and grand babies to sleep. I love looking at the night sky, or a new born's little foot and knowing where they come from, and I give glory to the One from whom they came.
I love reading the Bible and realizing just how awesome a work it is...a master piece, put together by the Master so that His children can understand the Love, and the responsibility that comes with that Love and through it.
I have not had an easy life. But the last 25 years, the years that I have spent seeking first the Kingdom, and walking The Walk, has been a great adventure. And the adventure continues.
I am not a perfect person, infact there are times when I am not even a very good person. But I Love my Lord, and He loves me.
A long time ago, I was working in an office and one of my coworkers was a Christian. She was a sweet young thing, who would come in early and sit in the breakroom with a cup of tea and her Bible. I liked her, and I felt sorry for her. I thought, someday she will wake up and smell the coffee. Someday she will realize that there is no room in today's enlightened world for primitive religions like Christianity. I didn't know she was praying for me. I didn't know that through her friendship and innocence and prayer, God was beginning to soften my heart. She never preached to me, or invited to her church, but she played a big part in my salvation, and redemption. Thank You Carrie the Christian where ever you are...and thank you readers whoever you are, for hearing this old grandma's voice speaking from the New Mexican Desert.
God is Good!


Anonymous said...

Yes!!! God is good!! Isn't it amazing how when we actually truly give our lives to God and we get the chance to see Him working in our lives, that when someone says there is no God, it's like saying air doesn't exist. God becomes the very breath we need to live, the very water we need to quinch our thirst.

Thanks for the great post!!!

Chris P. said...

Actually Maryellen, I said they are "self-professed" liberals and emergents.

Wanderer said...

In the early stages of our spiritual journey, a comment from someone that God doesn't exist, moreso an active logical presentation as to why can be damaging. They can get us wondering about our beliefs, wondering about how we lead our lives. All of us weather these points many times on our journey. Such comments no longer make me wonder if my beliefs are true. I rode in the car with Carol recently and she saw a bumper sticker that said "God is dead." Her response was "then who was I talking to this morning?" I have rarely heard it expressed better.

Anonymous said...

One who has never doubted the existence of God can never really trust that God, in fact, exists.


Soren Kierkegaard