everyone counts

Wednesday, April 13, 2005


ok...i am still in a blue funk but i just finished surfing around cyberspace, and visited a few blogs written by teachers...my third passion First comes the LORD, then my family, then teaching! And I was "reminded" of a nice experience I had a few weeks ago, that might be worth sharing with any of my new teacher friends that might stop by. I was in a Passion Play during holy week. 36 different churches get together to put on a dramatic presentation of the last week of the life of Jesus, we do it for 7 nights in the Farmington, New Mexico civic center (You might like to check out Passion Play Ministries International...)
anyway, after one of the performances a very handsome young man came up to me with this big grin on his face. I knew the smile and the name right away, since he was one of my favorite students, 3 years ago. About a foot taller than he was in fifth grade though. I had been his Sped teacher in 4th and 5th grade. He was language impaired and specifically disabled in the area of reading, but he was a enthusiastic student and a strong audial learner. He's Native American, and comes from a very traditional home. I went to bat for him when he transitioned to middle school, insisting he be put in general ed Math, Science, and Social Studies, with accommadations that included text books on tape.
So when he came up to me, I was happy to see him, to see that he remembered me, and overjoyed to find out that he was getting ready to move up to highschool with no special education, and has been leading an early morning Bible study in his middle school, one of the toughest in town. It is worth the fight, and the prayers...oh the joy of teaching!

1 comment:

Chris P. said...

God is good!!