everyone counts

Sunday, April 03, 2005

Death and Dying

I have read some comments out here in the world of blogs, that question why such a big deal was made over Terri S. but not about the war, or death penalty, or even the gross number of people who die in automobile crashes. Now the Pope is dead, and surely his death will cause a ripple of comments in this strange new world of rants and raves and opinions. Here is my take on the subject of death and dying. I don't see what the big deal is. Death is a fact of life. Life, on the other hand, some one out there asked the question "what is life?" thats almost as deep a question as "What is truth?"
For a Christian, who believes that the passion, death, and resurrection of our LORD Jesus conquered death once and for all, death should not be such a terrible thing. Jesus grieved at the death of Lazarus, not because death was a bad thing, but because it made his friends Mary and Martha so sad. I watched a baby die once. It took about 9 months for the disease to take him and he fought a brave fight. We prayed and prayed for a healing. Our Father knew best. Just a day before he "passed away" I was praying with his mom, and I asked "what would be the worse thing that could happen to Nicki" and she looked at me with tear stained eyes, and said, "that he would die' and I said "no, that would be the worse thing that could happen to you. The worse thing that could happen to Nicki would be for God to heal his body completely and miraculously, which of course wouldn't be bad...so at this point, nothing bad can happend to him."The next day she whisphered quietly into his little ear, "that's ok Nicki, let Jesus take you home" and the little guy took one more breath and went to the arms of his LORD.
Life is a precious gift, a great adventure, and life is a scared gift from God. But it is but the first stage of an eteranl exisitance which the God of creation has planned for his children. Paul, the first missionary, the first apostle to the gentiles wrote in Philippians 1:21-23 for to me to live is Christ, and to die is gain.If I am to live in the flesh that means fruitful labor for me,yet which i would choose i can not tell.I am hard pressed between the two,my desire is to depart and to be with Christ for that is far better, but to remain in the flesh is more necessary for...the church If you are not a Christian the Bible has a word for you too. Eat, Drink, and be Merry, for tomorrow you die. Solomom wrote that.
So, in a word, LIVE...and let live. Value life as a sacred gift...but don't fear death.
Something, someday will kill you. Perhaps a sniper's bullet in a worship service somewhere. Perhaps on a distant battle field, hopefully someone you love won't starve you to death, but live.
Terri's death was a tragedy because it became a fight for life vs the right to "kill" someone you love. She clung to life for nearly 2 weeks. Did anyone learn anything from it. The popes death is an ultimate victory for those of us who know where he is now! His life was a testamony to righeousness and his death is but a home coming for him. I pray for mercy on the souls of the innocent victims. I pray for safety for those living through hard times, and for traveling mercies for those going on long trips. And I will live as long as the Lord allows me to live, but like Paul, my desire is to depart and to be with Christ...that will be the greatest adventure of my life...


StorminNormin said...

do you know pastor art by any chance?

Arthur Brokop II said...

do i have to admit it?
yeah...he's my husband, but don't hold that against me huh?

Arthur Brokop II said...

fair enough Loachapoka,
however, although I believe innocent victims of violence including abortion, go to heaven, I feel that the violators have free choice and that God expects, commands, and requires His people to respect life, as the sacred gift it is. He judges harshly the unrepentant sinner, and even the repentant killer must suffer the earthy consequences of his crime...
murder, abortion, is not part of God's sovereign plan for anyone, which how i got into this whole blogging thing anyway, because of the "open theism" debate, and just how to reconcile a loving God with an all powerful God who knows all. My take is that he knows all possiblilities, and interacts with our choices, but ultimately our choice is our own, and we are eteranlly responsible for the choices we make...