everyone counts

Sunday, April 17, 2011

Palm Sunday

Stupid secular calendar. I'm taking Tuesday off for Passover and cooking a pseudo Sader for the boys to be served at sundown, but it should be tomorrow at sundown which is when Passover for the year 5771 begins. Our prayer will be the Sabbath prayer from Fiddler on the Roof. We can't quite get Tziporah to say the questions...we'll settle for "Why?"  Why indeed. But I guess the questions I'm asking most are "Why nots and Why didn'ts" This morning I was up early, with my coffee and my Bible and praying through Psalms 22, 27, and 37. Last night we went to Christ Church - we celebrated Palm Sunday. I think we will be going there for a while. Fr. Carl is really the only one that has consistently sought us out and been our friend through everything. I am hoping that Jeremiah, Stacy, Elijah, Amadaya, Tziporah and Ethan will come to the Easter Saturday Vigil next week. I think I will go to Passion Play on Wednesday - maybe Friday. Being part of Passion Play got us through some hard times in years past. But we've been slighted, offended the past couple of years. I guess I was hoping we would be missed, and perhaps contacted to see if we were ok. We aren't really. But now I feel as if the absence of the Brokops this year was met with more of a "good riddance" if anyone missed us at all.  This should be an easy week for me at work. Tuesday off, Wednesday half day for students, no school Friday...Good Friday. And its a four day weekend for us because Monday is Navajo Nation Sovereignty day. Which gives me yet another 4 day week. School is rapidly coming to another end. Drama club is working on "A Midsummer Night's Dream"
If anyone really reads these ramblings...anyone besides Bobbie, Hi Bobbie...and probably my sister Jo...maybe Bethany? Anyway...whoever might take time...oh yeah Von too...who else? I never know...anyway,  if you, whoever you are would pray for us...pray that Art gets on the Sub list at Central Consolidated and is able to put in at least 10 days before the end of the school year...he's been trying for months and there is a snag in the system somewhere. We really doubt we'll have another opportunity to minister full time like before. Too many failures, too much frustration. Art needs a job. We can't afford to live in this lovely house much longer. A prayer that the LORD will help us find a new, affordable home, perhaps closer to Shiprock would also be appreciated.
Today I'll be watching the grandkids for a while, and I have to do my taxes, and grade papers, and do a little of house work, except I will be do some major cleaning on Tuesday. So that is all I have to say right now.
May the LORD have mercy on fools like me...And may He bless us, everyone. 

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Yes - Von is here. Love and miss my Brokop's! Continuing in prayer...