everyone counts

Sunday, September 21, 2008

September 21

The seasons are changing in the New Mexican high desert. Along the Bisti Highway and up and down the roads of Shiprock. There are signs of a good harvest... It's "kneel down bread" time and things are gearing up for Shiprock Fair. Ministry continues at the Farmington Free Methodist Mission at a pace too slow for me. I keep revisiting Psalm 37...wait and trust! It was a good summer! We traveled cross country in June to share the vision and the song of the land. We visited several church groups and made contacts with some other Native American Ministries as well as some very dear friends. In July, a very hard working team from Jackson Free Methodist Church in Michigan came out to work on the buildings, the grounds, and to lead a vacation Bible School outreach. The little church was filled with joyful praise and many seeds were planted. In this season of harvest, we look forward to seeing the fruit of their labor grow. A series of tent meetings encouraged worship of the Creator with the songs and rhythms that the Living and True God has placed in the hearts of the people. Pastor Casey Church of the Potawannamee People used his regalia to teach about the full armor of God and blessed the land with a traditional dance offered to Yahweh - Father Son and Holy Spirit. By the way Mike, thanks for donating the tent to the mission. We will make good use of it in coming years! In fact we used it for our Back to School event. Instead of just lining the kids up and handing out bags of supplies, we set up games under the "big top" where they could earn tickets to be traded in for the supplies they needed. While the kids were playing games like "Sight Word Bingo" and "Spelling Bee" the parents were able to take advantage of our clothes ministry. Special thanks go to our sister churches in the Arizona conference for their donations of clothes and school supplies. So what is in store for the mission in the months to come? There is still some work needed to be done in the buildings and around the grounds. We are hoping to buy a couple of pallet stoves. The winters here can get pretty chilly. Pallets stoves are efficient and more affordable than central heating. Once the windows are finished and the cook stove installed, our fellowship hall will be ready for our community Thanksgiving Feast and the Christmas party we are hoping to have for some of the Reservation pastors and their wives - A way to cement relationships and create partnerships. We're also planning on having a Christmas Vacation Bible School, Dec. 22, 23, 24. Meanwhile we continue to have our Tuesday afternoon food pantry and clothes distribution, Worship services Sunday - 10:30am and 6:45pm with nutritious refreshments served after each service. I'm not sure how involved we'll be in the Shiprock Fair. We're hoping to at least put together some treat bags - last year we handed out 900 as part of our float in the parade, and we'd like to do some sort of out reach, Lord willing. But we haven't been able to get the stuff we need to make that happen, and time's running out. We continue to covet you prayers... Prayers for wisdom, provision, and shalom...prayers that God will bring us People to rise up as leaders in ministry. We can always use Donations of clothes, especially hats, gloves, mittens and new socks- we also need children's books, small prize type toys for our many games of Bible Bingo, toiletries (travel size), blankets and quilts (the traditional Christmas gift for the elderlies), and financial gifts (tax deductible of course). Packages can be sent to 1275 Bisti Highway, Farmington NM 87401. Cash donations and inquiries should be sent to Farmington Free Methodist Mission PO Box 6132, Farmington, NM 87499. At the Arizona Conference Family Camp someone asked about the AIBM. Please note the AIBM is no longer affiliated with the Free Methodist Denomination and cash donations made to that ministry do not come to us. For more information about our ministry, contact Pastor Art at (505)325-4496 or email us at artandme@juno.com.

That last bit is straight from the News Letter I am getting ready to send out.

It's Sunday afternoon and I just got up from a nap. We have about an hour before the evening service starts. Just a few more comments before I close this and add some pictures. I am having a great time at work. It's such a blessing to have a job you truly love! 95+ great junior high students. The drive into school is beautiful - although gas prices are hurting, just a little. I've been on morning duty this week. I get to greet most of the students as they walk by, and I really enjoy the crisp autumn mornings... Praying and Praising the LORD. Art has begun Drug and Alcohol counseling on the Rez, in partnership with the Brethren in Christ mission. That is going pretty well. He gets to worship with the "guys" with drum songs, which he really enjoys. God is good, He keeps His promises, and we continue to trust, and take those simple steps of obedience.

God Bless You All!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Praising God to hear from my dear friend, Maryellen! Thanks for the update. You remain in my thoughts and prayers....

Love You!