everyone counts

Saturday, December 01, 2007

A Monday Morning on the Bisti

Praying in the morning,
Driving a winding road through a barren land
But the rising sun behind me
Be it a goldent sunrise,
Or rosey red
Paints the rocks, the mesas, and the distant mountians
in such shimmering shades and deep shadows...
This is the definition of awesome - the definition of vast
Glory be to God, Creator of Heaven and Earth
Look there! a flock of sheep
The Lord is my Shepherd
Look there! a herd of cattle
The Lord owns the cattle on a thousand hills
Look there! a formation of geese landing on the power plant's pond
and there! bright eyed children waiting for the yellow bus
and there! a noble man upon a noble beast - riding out to greet the dawn.
Glory to God, Creator of this all.
This land is not my birth place, but it is my home
And it is my joy and duty to be praying over it and through it
while driving down this winding road.

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