everyone counts

Sunday, September 09, 2007

September 2007

As we begin our third month of ministry at the little church on the Bisti, we are blessed and encouraged. We are comfortably settled into our apartment and trusting that we will be able to get a heating system installed before the cold weather sets in. At least the heater and cooler work in the sanctuary.We are looking forward to the first weekend in October and the Shiprock Fair, the largest fair on the Navajo Nation. We will have a float in the Parade, which is seen by over 100,000 people. That Sunday we will be dedicating our Emergency Food Pantry, and we are planning a "Worship like a Warrior" conference as a follow up to the fair. We are hoping to let the community know there is something fresh and vibrant going on here, at the Eastern Gate of the Navajo Reservation. Right now our greatest need is for equipment to work on the grounds, a perhaps a small tractor. We want the place to look more inviting, and the weeds have been allowed to takeover the grounds. Maryellen, Ardy and Jeremiah have been tackling them with hoes and weed wackers, but the weeds are winning. We are also looking at some nice little cabin type trailers to replace the broken down buildings, in which to housemission teams and/or to use for emergency housing. It will probably be some time before we see that happen. But we continue to claim Isaiah 61 as our mission statement and to trust in the LORD! Please do continue to keep us in prayer.Sincerely, in His Service to His People Pastor Art and Maryellen

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I loved the pictures and update on the ministry! God is so good!
I will continue to pray for your church and everyone in it. Everyone that the Lord will draw to it also.