everyone counts

Friday, June 22, 2007

Morning Has Broken

Glory be to the Father, and to the Son, and to the Holy Spirit…
As I woke up to greet the dawn today, to listen to the chorus of birds singing their early morning praises, drinking my coffee and doing my devotions…I realized that it has been just one month since we got the phone call about the “mission”. Were we still interested? Did we think maybe we could? Perhaps this…could be…might happen…we’ll see…
Since then we’ve run into several people from “back then”, had several encounters with people that God obviously sent our way, took a nice trip to Phoenix to meet with the powers that be and it looks like a sure thing. We are humbled, encouraged, and just a wee bit scared. It looks like we have two other couples that might walk this path with us. One of the husbands is capable of handling the money, thank God. The other is very knowledgeable about things like plumbing and heating and septic tanks, thank God. On Wednesday night, since there has always been a Wednesday night service of sorts scheduled, we were at the site. I was puttering around with banners and plants. The one couple stopped by to introduce themselves and see what we were all about. They had helped/served there in the past, but certain events led to their leaving a while back. As we were sharing our vision a gentleman drove up. He was just going to park in our lot to wait for his son to get out of work, but ended up having a nice long chat with Pastor Art and asking for prayer. That is one way this ministry is going to happen. One wanderer at a time. A cup of coffee or a glass of ice tea. An open door and a light in the window. Yeah, we are going to “do church”. It will be interesting to see how the services will evolve. Old time Free Methodist, Navajo, Liturgical, Contemporary, Traditional… We’re also planning on having an emergency food pantry, family night outreaches, and workshops for area (reservation) pastors. And even as I write this, I can’t believe it is now more than just a dream or vision. The LORD is constantly reminding me, He is behind these events, and we can not do any of this outside of His will. So I pray for wisdom, provision, and shalom. I pray, Thy will be done, on earth as it is in heaven. I say, Glory be to the Father, Son and Holy Spirit…amen


Anonymous said...

I'm so thankful and happy for you as you again get into the thick of ministry.
Blessings and love

Anonymous said...

Enjoying the journey as the story continues to unfold....

Von :o)

Wanderer said...

"One wanderer at a time."

One would hope so. More than one of me might be difficult to deal with. :)

I am also happy for you as this is unfolding. After all of this time talking about wanting to get back into the ministry, the opportunity to do so is wonderful. My prayers will be with you on this project, as it will help you and Art grow as much or moreso than it helps the people you minister to.

Stephanie said...

what an exciting time in your life!!! i look forward to hearing more as your ministry continues to unfold. thank you so much for sharing all of this with us. i will be praying for your ministry and for you and art and the other two couples, please post prayer requests as needed along with the progress you guys are making. this is such an amazing opportunity. what a blessing that the Lord has chosen you guys to be in the middle of it all. can't wait to see how the Lord continues working through you and your willingness to serve Him.

Arthur Brokop II said...

thank you, all of you, for your comments and especially for your prayers. To God be the Glory!
God Ayoo'at'eego Baa Ha'niih!