everyone counts

Friday, June 08, 2007

Close Encounters

Today we went out to eat at Golden Corel, and our server was an old student of mine. I remember him well. He had a long beautiful braid down his back, and I was glad to see it was still there. His father was an artist, and had some of his pieces displayed in Washington DC. This kiddo used to get all stressed out whenever his father had to travel to show and/or sell his work. I'd have to show him on the map where he was going and the route he was probably taking. That was back when he was a fourth grader. He graduated from high school this year.
One of the things I remember most is that one time he had a real bad ear infection. He was feeling really sick, and I felt so sorry for him. I told him to tell his mom, so she could take him to the doctor. His reply was, "That's ok, Mrs. Brokop, my parents are taking me to a medicine man this week end." Back then, when I shared that story, some of my friends asked didn't they have enough money to take him to a "real" doctor. They didn't understand that medicine men were much more expensive than a regular doctor. These men sing songs and burn grasses, and often "remove" bones, teeth, arrow heads, and rocks from the bodies of their patients. Matt was from a very traditional family. So imagine my thrill when he proudly told me that he was going to Bible College to become a preacher of the Gospel. On Arpil 13, 2005 I posted an article about another of my students from a very traditional family who was leading a Bible Study in his junior high school. Thank you Jesus for rescuing these beautiful young men from the deep darkness...and for divine appointments. For the last couple of weeks we've had several enounters that have encouraged us. We are closer to going back into ministry now than we have been for years. And we've just barely been able to keep the foxes of anxiety and stress at bay.
So first we run into a family that was part of our first ministry here, the one we may be going back to - nice chat. Then we find out our son's roommate works with a girl that was also part of that church and is excited to hear we may be going back. She doesn't go there anymore, but if Pastor Art is there, maybe...Then we run into a whole pack of folk who were part of Gateway of the Rock Church...and Pastor Art is talking about one of the guys he worked with on the propane trucks, wondering if he could find him and invite him to come to the church, since he had expressed some interest back in December...and who do you suppose knocks on our door Thursday morning, out of the blue? And now Matt. Now that I'd expect him to come to our church, He's happy where he is and doing well...it's just encourageing you know, and like God reminding us, He's there, and He's working things out...Yeah God!


Wanderer said...

There is a story about a man stranded on a desert island who comes back from foraging one day to see that his hut has gone up in flames along with all of his remaining possessions.

He becomes despondent and just stares off into the water, trying to determine whether it is worth going on, until suddenly he sees a ship that comes to rescue him. They found him because of his smoke signal.

Your hut has been burning for a while. Perhaps the ship is on the way.

Arthur Brokop II said...

great analogy - Jeremiah says, it's been God's plan all along, just sometimes free will gets in the way and it takes a while to work out...some people might thing that is heretical thinking, I'm just praising God that it is really happening!