everyone counts

Wednesday, July 05, 2006

Re-writing History

There is a difference between researching to discover the facts concerning a historical event that may have, over the years, been distorted and re-writing the Bible to fit our particular bias. Although I've stated that the English translations of the Bible may in some places reflect certain doctrines held by the translators and not necessarily the beliefs of the original authors, I do believe that the Holy Spirit can and does reveal truth to those who sincerely seek it, regardless of the translation they have at hand.
As I was reading history lately, and finding so many conflicting stories about the same events, I found my self questioning how reliable the Bible actually was. But really, history and HIS-story are two completely different things. We have plenty of reliable sources, artifacts, manuscripts to prove that the Bible is indeed what it claims to be, The Living Word of the Living God. And the "story" remains consistant, over hundreds if not thousands of years. I remember one of my Old Testament Professors saying once that the very fact that the Bible records the mistakes as well as the successes of the Hebrew people is proof that it is true. Most ancient writings about ancient nations sing only the praises, and never the defeats. I trust the Bible, more than that, I trust the Holy Spirit. To God be the Glory!


Anonymous said...

I completely agree ME. When I was in college (at a public univeristy) I studied the history of the Old and New testaments under two men who were not Christians. One thing I greatly appreciated about both of them (especially my NT professor) was that they discussed the history of the text & people, and separated (as best they could) the beliefs or story. Understanding history should enhance our understanding of His Story, not change it.

Wanderer said...

I agree whole heartedly with the premise applies by all three of you. Having little else to add, I thought MaryEllen might find it amusing that when I started reading the comments I misread "mo" as "mc" and the first words were I agree with "me" (as in himself.)

Arthur Brokop II said...

hey, I usually agree with ME too...