everyone counts

Wednesday, June 21, 2006

No News is Good News

The news blips that I am hearing greatly disturb me.
I know there is a time and a season for everything, and He has the whole world in His hands, and I'm hoping these "signs of the times" are signs that He will be coming back soon.
But I'm wondering how much worse it will get before that glorious day.
I'm wondering how swiftly the wrath of God will fall upon those who name the name of Jesus and mock the Word. And who will be hurt when all hell breaks out.
I'm wondering how soon this nation will turn into a Big Brother society - in the name of tolerance and protection from hate and terrorist we are loosing our personal freedoms, our right to speak out and in the name of compassion and the right to choose, we continue to kill unborn babies and pull the plug of those who appear to have a substandard quality of life.
There is hate and violence in the streets.
Christians, Sons of the Most High God
Stand up! Shine!
The glory of the LORD shines on you, through you!
The earth and its people are covered with darkness (the darkness is not good)
but the glory of the LORD is shining upon you
Nations and Kings will come to the Light or you dawning Day
Shine Jesus Shine - grace and mercy please.


tacobell said...

Maryellen: America is already a "Big Brother" society and we are the enemy.
The most chilling example of this is the microchip that they wish to implant in everyone and their silly excuses for doing it. Oh, right now we microchip our pets so that we can find them if they run away etc. It's really being pushed to the vet clinics. But it's just a matter of time before they go to pediatricians and say "we should chip every child at birth" because "there are so many predators out there" - playing on the fears of the godless. The ex-governor of the state of Wisconsin, Tommy Thompson has volunteered to be chipped so that people won't fear it! Now that my dear IS Big Brother!
Oh Maryellen, it's going to get a lot worse and in the very near future. But we have our faith in God and that means we do not need to fear anything except His judgement!
God bless you!

Arthur Brokop II said...

nice to hear from you again Bridget. i just finished up a summer course on teaching history and hispanic culture which i found very interesting. they mentioned the "black legend" which was propaganda spred by the English, German, Dutch etc shortly after Luther, because they considered the Spanish satanic for staying faithful to the Church in Rome. It led to a great misunderstanding and a great deal of mis information concerning the treatment of the Native Americans by the Catholics in the Southwest.
I agree with your take on "Big Brother" by the way.

Wanderer said...

Bridget - The concern re: pediatrics has already begun to come into play. The chip is already available for your children. I had a lengthy conversation with a local woman who is planning on going ahead with it for her child.

melinda m said...

Ba-ha Ma-she-ok. "Come quickly Messiah" don't know the correct spelling of the hebrew, but anyway, I cry out to the Lord Jesus to come quickly and meanwhile I'll focus on shining brightly as the darkness seems to want to close in and become darker than ever. We must share the gospel. Souls are at stake. I'm fervent about reaping this harvest.
Blessings to you! Great blog.

Wanderer said...

Crying out to the Lord undoubtedly has its place, but in the meantime I hope you are actually working to improve that which makes up this "darkness" to which you refer. We were made stewards, not made to complain while we watch things deteriorate.

Arthur Brokop II said...

very wise words wanderer...
and, although I share Melinda's sentiment, the word says that He tarys to give everyone a chance to come to him (or come back to him).
I just had the most intense, real life encounter with the LORD. Will write about it soon.