everyone counts

Friday, April 14, 2006

Why Would You Take This Personally?

Several months ago I read a blog post written by a personal aquaintence that affected me and our relationship profoundly. I was not mentioned personally and there was absolutely no indication whatsoever that he had anyone specifically in mind when he wrote it. But he knew me, at least I thought he did. He knew I often read what he wrote, and in this particular post there was a rather harsh statement made about people who believed as I do. I took it personally. I am worried that I am about to do the same thing to a friend of mine, if I write what my heart is telling me to write. It is somehting I must prayerfully consider.
Today is Good Friday. I am off from work. I have homework to do, and house work, and I am hoping to go see The Passion Play tonight. I'm going into town. I'm going to walk along the river, maybe have lunch with the LORD. But first I will have another cup of coffee and visit my blog friends...blessings


Wanderer said...

While I am only one of many whom you call friend out here and statistically quite likely to not be the one you are referring to, I figure I will go out on a limb anyway.

I tend not to take too many things personally, particularly not if not pointed right at me, and the one time we had a little misunderstanding of that sort, made it a point to call you and straighten that out, with no harm done.

Therefore, on the off chance that I am said friend, write on. If not, I would encourage you to do so anyway, but it would be less my place to say.

Arthur Brokop II said...

I agree. If you visit my blog and check out the comments on my latest post you will see some rather "offensive" things thrown back and forth between Wanderer and myself, and while the statements themselves may be offensive, the argument certainly isn't. Sounds strange, but it's true. Wanderer is mature enough to take whatever you say in the spirit in which it is said, and vice versa.
Have fun! And good luck.