everyone counts

Monday, April 17, 2006

Back to the Scripture Project

I left off at number 4 -
5. The four canonical Gospels narrate the truth about Jesus.

This is an interesting one in view of the latest buzz about the Gospel of Judus and the DiVincie Code. What did Jesus do when he was a child in Egypt? Did he really bring clay birds to life?
Did he turn Pharasies into pigs? Did he go hunting? Is Judus a villian or a hero or a puppet playing a role set for him before the beginning of time? Was Jesus married?
I'll trust that the early church fathers and the Holy Spirit gave us the truth about Jesus. The truth we need to know. Just like today you get all sorts of theological studies and spiritual books that are not True, but rather perversions of the truth...I think the early christians, yeah the Roman Catholics of the third and fourth century had a lot of untruth to sort through. Eye witness reports and spectulations. We tried doing it again with the Jesus project a few years back. That was wrong.
Afterall, we were over 1900 years away from the actual events, we didn't have the original documents, and the main purpose of the whole project seemed to be an attempt to clean up some hard sayings of Jesus, and justify some popular sins that Jesus seemed to be against.
And even now, among some sincere, Bible believing Christians, you'll hear statements like "well, what Jesus really meant is..." and "it doesn't really matter if this really happened..." and "it's actually meant to be metephorical not literal."

Yeah, I would say I agree with this fifth of the Nine Theses on the Interpretation ofScripture
100% (as if it mattered if I agree or not)
The Four Canonical Gospels narrate the truth about Jesus!

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