everyone counts

Sunday, February 12, 2006

Sunday - February 12

My mother called last night - 7:30 eastern standard time
Happy Birthday - I'm 54 years old - good grief!
I didn't go to Church today. Car trouble, and no hot water for showers.
So I listened to Christian music, watched some of the Rabbis that Pastor Art likes to study with, and went up my blog list. Some good stuff there.
I am about to go into my son's room and borrow C.S.Lewis's book This Hideous Strength. It is the third in his Science Fiction Triolgy. I haven't read it in years. But there are parts of it I want to revisit and respond to. Actually the triolgy is very interesting reading, if as a modern day person you can get past the idea that the planets visited by the hero are Venus and Mars, but not at all like the real Venus and Mars.
But before I publish post and curl up under a blanket on my cozy love seat, could I invite my blog friends to join me in a prayer, and whisper an Amen
Isaiah 65:
Oh Heavenly Father - Abba - Whose Name is Holy
Father who permits Yourself to be sought by those who did not ask, to be found by those who did not seek, open the ears of the lost so that they can hear you calling their name...they are rebellious, following their own thoughts, my students, the violent ones, lost in the dark...call to them, saying "Here I am!" and help them to hear Your call.
Lord, as the new wine is found in the cluster of grapes, and we do not destroy it for there is benefit in it, please do not destroy these who are lost. Are the chosen and the servents the same in your eyes? You promise a resting place for all people who seek you.
And for those who forsake you, who preach Fortune (Luck), and who fill cups with Destiny...for those who you called and they did not answer, you promise a heavy heart and broken spirit.
You are the God of Truth and you will bless those who cling to that truth. Lord, for those of us who are sinking because of fomer troubles, for my son...for my family, bring us to the place of promise. Lord for those of us, who have been so frustrated by people who identify them selves as your chosen, but have turned their backs on the truth and on the lost...help us to seek Your face and not be offended by those who in your name offend. You will someday create a new heaven and a new earth. You have created your people for rejoicing and gladness. People have gotten lost but you promise to recreate them. Through your Son Jesus and by his blood, you have made this recreation possible even know.
Lord, there are those who don't even know, who haven't even been told that they can call, but you promise a time when you will answer even before they call out to you, and while they are still trying to put their thoughts of repentance and praise into words, you will hear them.
The chosen ones will do the work they are intended to do, and the children they bear through the work you have set before them, will not be Children destined for calamity.
Lord, I name them by name, I see their faces, I weep for the lost, I weep especially for the prodicals who once knew and then walked away from the knowing. (Isaiah 66) Help me to be humble and contrite, Help me to be true and obedient to your word. You said we have the choice. And concerning those who choose their own ways, you choose their punishments. Yet I pray for mercy and time, that some of those drowning because of their evil choices will hear your Call and remember your word and turn back to your way.
"As one whom his mother comforts...so I will comfort you, and you shall be comforted. "
I just pray LORD, for the sake of today...for the sake of those of us who are struggling in this dark and depraved world, for the sake of those over whom our hearts are breaking, act now in your mercy, and perserve us as you prepare the final chapter. And save us now from the fire that shall not be quenched, Save them while there is still time for salvation. Open their ears LORD and help them to hear you call out their names and say that you LOVE them.


Agent X said...


Kim said...


Stephanie said...

Happy Birthday Maryellen!!! Hope you had a great day!!! Happy early Valentine's Day too!!! :)

Unknown said...

Happy Birthday!

And "Thank you God" for a blanket and a cozy loveseat on which to read.

It has been unusually cold here in Houston. We even had frost one night.

~Kevin ;>)