everyone counts

Thursday, January 19, 2006

January 19, 2006 - Snow is falling in Shiprock

I guess I should say something about the newest controversy out there – the movie the End of the Spear. Everyone else is. When my boys were growing up, we usually paced our mornings by the programs on the radio. We woke up to the Chucks – Chuck Smith and Chuck Swindol. We ate breakfast to Focus on the Family. We had to leave at the end of Elizabeth Elliot. I mention that because Elizabeth Elliot was the wife of one of the murdered missionaries, and we knew her story well.

I think there is something wrong with Churches and Ministries using their resources to promote movies. It’s basically a new trend. The buzz about the PASSION brought in millions. The debate over Narnia is still raging. And now, a movie, based on an intense story of personal sacrifice and forgiveness is at the center of a storm because the star is a gay activist.

Perhaps his sexual preference doesn’t have a negative affect on the story, but his interviews are offensive to many Christians. Reports are that the gospel message is watered down – what would one expect of Hollywood? But if faith comes by hearing, maybe some gay guy will go to the movie because of Chad Allan, and hear the truth and be saved. That would be a good thing. And hopefully concerned parents will be ready to have a dialog with their children, should they get caught up in this debate.

Could the movie be used as an effective teaching tool? Probably. There are a lot of movies that can be used as teaching tools. Schindler’s List, The Diary of Anne Frank, why I’ve even used “Jesus Christ Superstar.” Is the controversy or the sexual orientation of the star going to help the movie make millions? Probably. Should Churches encourage or discourage their people to attend it? Probably not. Is it something to get all worked up about? I see it as a sign of the times. More proof that we live in an angry, violent, dark world.

Where is the great light that should be shining through the followers of Jesus? Where is the Love of Jesus that should set us apart from the world we live in? The Love for each other, the love for our enemies?

On a personal note…In the fall, the principal of our school had a stroke…his recovery is going to take a long time. Over Christmas vacation one of our students…one of my students was stabbed to death in a fight, now two families are in crisis…the family of the victim and the family of the killer.

Today we got word that another of our students died. She died of an illness.

An eighth grader. Not one of mine, but one of ours…

Not too long ago, there was a drug related double murder on the outskirts of the reservation…one of the killed had been in the first youth group we worked with when we arrived in this area 7 years ago. Lord, have mercy! Selah!

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