everyone counts

Saturday, September 10, 2005

I am reading a book

I went through my husbands rather extensive theological library and found a small book called "fountations of wesleyan-arminian theology" Art says it's a pretty good one, not too hard to read, so even though I'd rather just read the Word, I think I'll try to get through it. So far, I'm on page 20, read it at the laundry matt. Here are a few jewels I've gleamed from its pages so far:
The author does not wish to "engender heresy hunting" which I would also like to avoid and warns "beware of a schism making a rent in the Church of Christ." and "Since both holiness and predestination are Biblical Doctrines, there should be no division of fellowship over them." So I will read on and report back when I am done.
Also, if any of my old friends, and prayer partners drop by (seems the comments have been monopolized by three rather strongly "opinionated" brothers, which I don't mind (really)) but I miss some of my other blog mates...anyway, my family could use a little renewed prayer...something has come up which may be very difficult to deal with.


Anonymous said...
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IMO said...

Thanks for your comment on my blog. You are right, God will take care of it! Hey, you are having a situation here which I delt with on my blog--I know how frustrating it can be. It is not appropriate to talk about it here. E-mail me: teresaabell@sbcglobal.net

Anonymous said...

I'm praying for you. Trust that God will see you through it all. God is working in your life very evidently and it is a blessing to hear how He always helps you out or how you grow from the situations He's put before you! Keep smiling and looking up!!! :)

Grey Owl said...

Hey maryellen,

I'll pray for you and yours as well. I'm sorry that we usurped your comments section for so long - but it looks like we're done. The conversation has fizzled out, and it's probably for the best as it really was going nowhere. I think it would have been more appropriate to carry it on via email - although then you wouldn't be able to look at pride at the 40+ comments!

Good luck with that book, it sounds good. You'll have to give us the low-down when you finish!


Dan-D from Canada

Kate said...

I'll pray for you too.

Wanderer said...

My prayers, those of my family and my wife's family are all with you as always. I am sorry to hear that tough times come your way again.

You have our various e-mails, phone numbers and etc... If you wish to contact us or talk to someone about it. If you don't, that is fine too. You are obviously in our hearts regardless.

Remember that the tough times now are more numerous and more painful than they will be when you are remembering them later.

Have faith. Trust in God. Be at peace.