everyone counts

Thursday, January 25, 2007

Three Passing Thoughts

As I go through my menopause caused depression/crisis of faith...
And as I once again take on the challenge of teaching Indian Youth American History...
My tired mind wanders back into the RC vs Protestant camp - and a class I took last summer designed for teachers teaching the "minority" child in the Southwest - and the debate that ever echoes in my doubting mind...
In the doctrine of Personal Predestination and Foreknowledge, where does the Sanctity of Life fit in? Is there sanctity in the lives of those who are not called, not predestined? This doctrine led itself well to the concept of Manifest Destiny which at its darkest core believed it was God's will to wipe out the savage and claim his land for the White Anglo Saxon Protestant. Not to mention the idea of enslaveing those considered subhuman.
And in the invasion of Europeans...although greed and violence prevailed in all sectors - I still find it interesting that the Spanish Catholics built missions and the English Protestants built forts. Where the Spanish invaded we have the Mexicans. Where the Anglos invaded we have reservations. And then there are the French Canadians.
I've been accused of preaching revised history - but who but the victors write the History books? Anyway, all of this is too deep and too complex to ponder to over my morning coffee as the car warms up...just a few passing thoughts I didn't want to loose.


antipope said...

All history is revisionist history whether it be the western take on it, or the drivel they taught at last summer's class.

How does predestination and foreknowledge detract from the sanctity of life? God is God. What men have done with religion has nothing to do with Him, other than He has allowed it for a purpose. That is like saying the world is square instead of round, because men believed it to be flat for centuries. Nothing alters the truth.
He gives and takes away. Let Him define himself through His word by His Spirit.

Here is a man who understands the occultic basis of all cultures and civilizations; other than his mistaken theories on the Bible and the true church.


Hegemon said...

That is SO specious.

Wanderer said...

Agreed, MC.