everyone counts

Tuesday, July 11, 2006


Jesus has been my life for nearly 27 years now. Jesus friends, Jesus celebrations, Jesus work, Jesus play, Jesus vacations, Jesus business, Jesus tears and Jesus quiet times. Oh yeah, I mustn’t forget, all the “But Jesus…” temper tantrums.
Today’s VBS theme was “Jesus is my life, VIVA!”. The Bible story was about Lazarus being raised from the dead…and the treasure verse is Deut. 6:5 “You shall love the LORD your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all you might.”
Well, I don’t know about loving the LORD, but these kids sure put their whole heart, soul and might into singing the songs.
It reminds me of a story. A long time ago, the theme song of a VBS was “Jesus, Your Word Lives in Me.” It had a typical child friendly melody. The words were a little tricky for some of the littler ones, but that didn’t curb their enthusiasm. So one afternoon, my friend’s four year old daughter was seen, riding her trike down the street, joyfully singing at the top of her little lungs: “Jesus, your worthless to me.”
I pray that these kiddos get more truth and light out of these fiesta days, than that little lady did. Regardless, it sure is fun.


Wanderer said...

Remember that the long term impact is as important as the short term understanding of all of the nuances of the songs. Something must have gone right. I still haven't corrupted that little one you mention, and I have had plenty of time to do so.

Arthur Brokop II said...

two other "kid" songs come to mind
Junior Asperagus from veggie tales singing "God is greater than the boogie man" and the old time favorite "Greater is He that is in me than he that is in the World!"

Wanderer said...

Interesting that you bring up that veggie tales song. I did a double take the first time I heard it. Junior says, "I know that God's the biggest" and I heard "I know that God's a bigot."

I know that some people question the teachings of the Veggie Tales, but I thought that was a little far off.